the book cover of the Black Napoleon by Percy Waxman

The Black Napoleon: The Story of Toussaint Loverture by Percy Waxman

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Toussaint Louverture is a favorite hero in English. French, and American literature because the true story of his life is the essence of pure romance. Slave, leader of slaves, military genius, self-made Governor General of the free black republic of San Domingo, victim of Napoleon’s treachery, leader and guiding spirit of those slaves who for the first and only time in history won their own freedom from serfdom without the aid of the whites, Toussaint Louverture was perhaps the most extraordinary Negro who ever lived. A favorite hero in English, French and American romantic literature, the true story of his life is the very essence of pure romance.

The author has caught in direct and exciting prose the story of San Domingo, where the Spaniards wiped out the natives, the French outfought the Spaniards, and Creole luxury demoralized the French: where later the pure black Toussaint Louverture, self-styled son of an African chieftain, routed the Spanish, English, French and mulattoes, and shaped an army that even¬tually drove Napoleon’s troops out of the island.

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