Elective 3: Reading and Writing Black History at 6th-8th Grade Reading Level

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Enjoy descriptions and links to nine eBooks written at the 6th to 8th grade level. The titles are:
The Long Black Schooner by Emma Gelders Sterne: The Voyage of the Amistad
Revolts, Resistance and Emancipation by Dorothy Sterling: How Slaves and Society Resisted Slavery
The Narratives of Fugitive Slaves by Benjamin Drew: Fleeing to Safety in Canada
Three Autobiographies by Frederick Douglass: How the Abolitionist Leader Resisted Slavery
The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man by James Weldon Johnson: His Travels in the North and South
Home to Harlem by Claude McKay: Life in Harlem in the 1920s
Fire in the Flint by Walter E. White: A Doctor Returns to the Jim Crow South
W. E. B. Du Bois by Emma Gelders Sterne: A Founder of the N.A.A.C.P
Mary McLeod Bethune by Emma Gelders Sterne: She Defended the Right to Vote and Built a College

Elective 4: Reading and Writing Black History at a Reading Level of 9th-12th Grade

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Enjoy descriptions and links to nine eBooks written at the 9th to 12th grade level. The titles are:
The Black Napoleon by Percy Waxman: the Story of Toussaint L’Overture
Flight to Freedom by Henrietta Buckmaster: the Story of the Underground Railroad
Reconstruction: America After the Civil War by Henrietta Buckmaster: Freedmen and the Struggle for Political Rights
Freedom Ride by James Peck: Freedom Riders Challenge Segregation in the South
Harlem─People, Power and Politics, 1900-1950 by Roi Ottley: Profiles of Harlem’s Leaders
Thurgood Marshall from His Early Years to Brown by Hunter R. Clark: a Window into American History
Thurgood Marshall─His Triumph in Brown, His Years on the Supreme Court by Hunter R. Clark: Capital Punishment, Abortion, Affirmative Action, the Right to Counsel and Other Issues
Before the Mayflower by Lerone Bennett, Jr.: the History of the Negro in America, 1619-1962
The Lonely Warrior─The Life and Times of Robert S. Abbott by Roi Ottley: a Publisher Encourages Migration North

Cover with parts of four books

Teaching U.S. History with eBooks and Electives by Jim McCabe

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This is a guidebook to ninety free eBooks, primarily about American history, from three non-profits: Project Gutenberg, StandardeBooks, and this site. The idea is that skimming the guidebook will be more efficient than opening and skimming each eBook on this site. I selected  books which I think will be huge improvements on the World History and American textbooks used in many classrooms. I promise that each book in this collection is more dramatic than an textbook in my collection of textbooks. In addition to my search for drama, I tried to find books at a variety of reading levels so that weak readers would have materials to read.

As I wrote the descriptions of the books,  I often included suggestions for related writing assignments. Writing in high school matters a great deal in my opinion. The failure rates in writing classes at the community college where I taught were painful and could have been avoided with more practice at the high school level.

I found that requiring references to the reading in each writing assignment coerced students into doing more of the reading. I also found that including space for students’ voices in each writing assignment led to more energetic essays, but I digress.

Please send your comments, corrections, and suggestions for digitizing other out of print books to me at feedback@ebooksforstudents.org.

Jim McCabe

Cover showing Shirley Chisholm with victory signal

Shirley Chisholm by Susan Brownmiller

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Critics’ Corner:

“The author chronicles major events in Shirley
Chisholm’s life and career from her childhood in
Barbados through her first year as Representative
of Brooklyn’s newly created 12th Congressional
District in a chatty, narrative account that under­
scores the dynamic personality of the first black
Congresswoman. . . . Brownmiller takes note of the
people, both historic and contemporary, who aided
or influenced Mrs. Chisholm. . . . The book also
offers insight into political organization at the local
level.”                                              —A.L.A. Booklist


“A winning personal portrait, a fix on the political facts of life, and preeminently the projection of a Black woman who wouldn’t be detoured on either account. . . . Notable are the explicitness . . . and the sharp, sensitive delineation of scene. . . .”

The Kirkus Reviews


“. . . inspirational and motivational reading. . . .”

Library Journal

Other Recommendations: Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, University of Chicago; Child Study Association.

About the Author:

Susan Brownmiller is a well-known journalist who writes articles for The New York Times, The Village Voice, and other important publications. Her cover story on Shirley Chisholm for The New York Times Magazine led to her writing this longer biography for young readers. Miss Brownmiller grew up in Brooklyn and now lives in Greenwich Village in New York City.

Cover shows Bethune leading children up a hill

Mary McLeod Bethune

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To read on a device from Amazon, or on the Kindle app on your computer, here is the ebook in mobi format.

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This is the challenging and inspired true story of a little girl who was determined to learn to read, and who went on to be a teacher, the founder of a college, an adviser to statesmen, and a great humanitarian. Mary McLeod Bethune was the fifteenth child of hardworking and god fearing parents. She was the first of their children to be born free. Her ancestry was wholly of African origin, a point of pride throughout her life.

Mrs. Bethune worked untiringly to restore—through education—her people’s faith in the magnificent heritage that is rightfully theirs. During the many years of and tribulation, she refused to give up her fondest dream—her own school for Negro children. And, as a shining monument to her hard work and faith, she has given to black youth the thriving institution of Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Cover of Before the Mayflower

Before the Mayflower-A History of the Negro in America, 1619-1962 by Lerone Bennett, Jr.

Reviews from Goodreads.com

* * * * *

This a great introduction, if not then the best introduction, to African American History. If you are wanting to know more about the story of African Americans this book is very readable and accurate. When I taught our school African American History class this was my text. My students liked it so much most of them went out and bought their own copies.

* * * * *

Mr. Bennett gives voice to Black Americans, and to the cultures they brought with them. Through impeccable research, he has uncovered history and culture that was not readily available those many years ago. This book was published and available at almost the same time I finished my degree. I found it later when I had the luxury of being able to read what I wanted, rather than that which was assigned, and have used it to some degree in home schooling my son (though it is too difficult for most high school students). Highly readable and enormously enlightening.

* * * * *

This was an amazing piece of work. I knew that people of color in this country had it rough but this truly shows just how bad. Even with all of the hardships people of color tried again and again to be the best that society would not let them. I was inspired by this book to continue to strive for progress and thus success. The stories of my ancestors have shown me that I come from a strong stock that can survived the worst of times so that I may have the best of times.

* * * * *

From the inside flap of the print edition of 1962:

This is a history of the American Negro, whose ancestors arrived at Jamestown a year before the arrival of the “Mayflower.”

The book begins in Africa with the great empires of the Nile Valley and the western Sudan and ends with the Second Reconstruction, which Martin Luther King Jr. and the Sit-in Genera­tion are fashioning in the North and South. Written in a dramatic, readable style, Before The Mayflower throws a great deal of light on today’s headlines. As such, it will be a valuable addition to the library of every discerning American.

Grounded on the work of scholars and specialists, the book is designed for the non-specialist. Based on the trials and triumphs of Negro Americans, the book tells a story which is relevant to all men.

Here are the Negro Minute Men of Lexington and Concord and the black soldiers who stood with Andrew Jackson at New Orleans and Ulysses S. Grant at Petersburg.

Here also are the forgotten figures of American history: Phillis Wheatley, the slave poet who became the second American woman to write a book; Nat Turner, the mystic who led a bloody slave revolt; P. B. S. Pinchback, the Negro who sat in the Louisiana governor’s mansion and dreamed of the vice presidency.

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The Cover of Brothers: Black Soldiers in the Nam


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This book is a collection of raw, first-person accounts, written by two black soldiers who were drafted into the U.S. Army in 1968 and who eventually went to Vietnam. The informal, conversational style makes for easy reading. The subject matter is absolutely fascinating. The two writers sometimes mention issues associated with race. At the same time, race does not dominate the narrative. Source: https://vietnamblacksoldiersportraitproject.com/index.php/the-perfect-gift/

“Life at the Cutting Edge” The Military Review

“A Moving story!” Booklist

Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass

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Writer, Orator, Agitator and Champion of Human Rights.

Born in slavery, largely self-educated and self-liberated, Frederick Douglass rose against formidable odds to become a great American leader, not only in the fight for the abolition of slavery, but in the general cause of human rights. After the Civil War, Douglass utilizing his unique gifts as writer and orator, fought for equal rights for Negroes as zealously as he had fought for emancipation. He was actively associated with the campaign for equal rights for women. He was a champion of free education for “every poor man from Maine to Texas.” He played an important role in the early Negro labor movement. He was involved in the temperance crusade.

Having attained the distinguished position as advisor to President Lincoln, Douglass reached the apex of his astonishing career with his appointment a Minister  Resident and Consul General to the Republic of Haiti. His autobiography, presented here as he finally completed and revised it in 1892, is a unique chronicle of seventy-eight crucial years in American history, and a  provocative and impressive self-portrait of an uncommon man.


The first section of the book, the often assigned Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, is much easier reading than the political work he describes in Part 2 and 3. But a reader who sticks with Parts 2 and 3 will learn much about the Abolitionist movement in Part 2 and about the failures of Reconstruction in Part 3.

Cover with Photo of Philip Randolph

Mr. Black Labor: The Story of A. Philip Randolph by Daniel S. Davis

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Download mobi file here.

The Politics and the Leadership of A. Philip Randolph

If your students need inspiration to participate in politics, they can consider the life of A. Philip Randolph. His strategies succeeded in confrontations with two presidents and with the management of the anti-union Pullman Company.

He forced President Franklin D. Roosevelt to open jobs in the defense industry to African Americans in 1941. He persuaded President Harry S. Truman to integrate the armed forces in 1948. Read more about Philip Randolph and President Truman here. He later organized the March on Washington for jobs and civil rights in 1963.

A. Philip Randolph brought the gospel of trade unionism to millions of African American households. Randolph led a 10-year drive to organize the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) and served as the organization’s first president. Randolph directed the March on Washington movement to end employment discrimination in the defense industry and a national civil disobedience campaign to ban segregation in the armed forces. The nonviolent protest and mass action effort inspired the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

Randolph became the most widely known spokesperson for black working-class interests in the country. In December 1940, with President Franklin Roosevelt refusing to issue an executive order banning discrimination against black workers in the defense industry, Randolph called for “10,000 loyal Negro American citizens” to march on Washington, D.C. Support grew so quickly that soon he was calling for 100,000 marchers to converge on the capital. Pressed to take action, President Roosevelt issued an executive order on June 25, 1941, six days before the march was to occur, declaring “there shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or government because of race, creed, color, or national origin.” Roosevelt also set up the Fair Employment Practices Commission to oversee the order.

In 1963, when A. Philip Randolph in­troduced Martin Luther King, Jr., from the speaker’s platform at the now fa­mous March on Washington, he de­clared him the moral leader of our nation. But it was Randolph himself who earlier established the tactics for civil rights action that King employed with such outstanding results.

Philip Randolph brought African Americans en masse into the labor movement in the twenties and thirties, conceived the dra­matic strategy of a massive march on the government, and calmly and con­fidently guided several generations of Black leaders.

This account of Randolph’s life work by an official at the National Urban League is a tribute long overdue, and it marks the beginning of a new, broader look at the civil rights movement in the twentieth century.

Book Cover with Burning Bus

Freedom Ride, Civil Rights and Non-Violent Resistance by James Peck

From the Forward by James Baldwin:
“The moral of [the Freedom Ride story is that, how­ever painful it may be for us to change, not to change will be fatal.”

From the Introduction by Lillian Smith:
“This is the vivid, detailed account of how a few people, accidentally or spontaneously, found the symbols that speak to everybody: the need to eat, the need to move—how they went at it, what they endured, how they changed within themselves. I am glad Jim Peck, who is a courageous and thoughtful participant in ideas and acts, wrote it down.”

After reading this work in manuscript. Lillian Smith wrote to James Peck: “I like your book very much. I was moved by it on certain pages, very deeply; and relived much of what I already knew about it.”

This vivid, deeply moving story, Freedom Ride, tells for the first time in book form of the nonviolent action to end segregation that was penetrating the South in the early 60s. Before its on-the-scene report of the 1961 Freedom Rides, it tells of the author’s experience with Jim Crow Bibles used in Southern courts, of segregated benches, shoe-shine stands, buses, churches, prisons, restaurants, rest rooms and waiting rooms.
It tells of a swimming pool in a New Jersey amusement park where white people could enter simply with the pur­chase of a ticket, but where blacks had to apply for membership to the “Sun & Surf Club” and wait forever. It tells of the student jail-ins, where decent citizens preferred to submit themselves to imprisonment rather than give up their “fightless fight” for humanity. And finally it tells of the now historic first Freedom Ride.
The author, James Peck, is a man whose quiet but passionate concern for human rights earned him fifty-three stitches in his head when, in Birming­ham, Alabama, he and the other Free­dom Riders tried to show that blacks and whites had the right to eat together in a bus terminal lunchroom. Here is his personal report.

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To read on a device from Amazon, or on the Kindle app on your computer, here is the ebook in mobi format.

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