Cover with cartoon of a Black man voting

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War by Henrietta Buckmaster

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“There are some good people who are always preaching patience. They would have us wait a few months, years, or generations until the whites voluntarily give us our rights, but we do not intend to wait one day longer than we are absolutely compelled to…” —From a proclamation by the Negroes of Alabama, circa 1867.

This story of Reconstruction is a tremendous inspiration as well as a remarkable blueprint for today. And with passion and searing truth, Henrietta Buckmaster tells here the story of those seven short years—1868 to 1875—in which liberty blazed brightly in our southern states.

Reconstruction: American After the Civil War does not boast, it documents; it does not preach, it shows; it does not hint, it proves. Here the Black freedmen and their leaders—resume their proper stature as men of knowledge, men of wisdom and vision. Here Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner rise and speak again in the halls of Congress. Here carpetbaggers and scalawags emerge from a century of mockery. Reading Reconstruction, one understands as never before the true greatness of the First Reconstruction—and why burning crosses, hooded night riders, and the still, muddy waters of the Mississippi have been unable to obliterate Reconstruction from the free hearts of men.

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