Entries by Jim McCabe

The New Legions by Donald Duncan

Epub or Mobi? The epub format below is for your Apple and Android devices and in one case for Amazon devices. As you may know, Amazon has changed to the epub format to use with the Send to Kindle program. A great feature of the Send to Kindle program is that the file will go […]

Use Websites to Build the Habit of Reading-Part 1

Every week as the media reports on the pandemic, you can see students diligently looking at computer screens in their classrooms. But are they reading books or playing computer games? Given that national reading scores have not improved for the last eight years as Chromebooks have poured into classrooms, (See NAEP data for more on […]

Large Fonts and Struggling Readers

This post from Professor Terry Cavanaugh about the importance of font size for struggling readers is no longer available on Teleread.com, but the excerpt below shows what he had to say. “Actually font size change is important for many who have print disablities, not just that it could be done. One of the first things […]

More about John Brown

More from the Washington Post: His Truth Goes Marching On By Jonathan Yardley January 28, 1973 “HERE IS A book of surprising breadth, insight, compassion and historical vision—the first of what is to be a two-volume study of John Brown and his times. It recreates the whole fabric of our period of greatest national crisis, […]

Using Free Ebooks Efficiently-Part 1

Can all of your students read the history textbook which you are about to hand out? When I taught in the Cleveland Public Schools fifty years or so ago, this was a major problem. The only advice I received about students and reading was “Don’t call on anyone to read out loud. You don’t want […]