The Mosquito Man: The Story of Ronald Ross by John Rowland

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Ronald Ross always remembered his childhood in India, and his father King on the veranda, groaning with fever—malaria fever. Who, in those days, dreamed that this deadly disease was caused by the little, biting mosquitoes that were such a nuisance wherever there was water for them to breed in?

Years later, Ross returned to India as a doctor, and made a great discovery that was to be of value to the whole world—that the germs of the lever that had so affected his father breed in the stomach of mosquitoes, which act as a sort of miniature hypodermic syringe to carry malaria from sick men to healthy ones.

Here is the fascinating story of how Sir Ronald Ross brought the malaria menace under control. In 1902 Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine; 1926 marked the opening of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases. And today, in Malaya, in Africa, in India, in China, in Japan—wherever there is malaria, Sir Ronald Ross will be remembered gratefully, because he showed men how to conquer a killing disease.

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