Entries by Jim McCabe

Slightly Out of Focus by Robert Capa

“Charming and profound, Slightly Out of Focus is a marvelous memoir told in words and superb pictures. He just maybe the greatest battlefield photographer to grace the earth.” The epub format below is for your Apple and Android devices including Send-to-Kindle. As you may know, Amazon has changed to the epub format to use with […]

Give Us This Day by Sidney Stewart

“Unforgettable”—The New York Times “I have read scores of books that came out of World War II, but I have read none that took such a tremendous grip on my emotions, nor one that evoked so strikingly the horror of war…This is more than a book, finely written as it is—it is a living experience.”  […]

The Last Enemy by Richard Hillary

Download the epub format for your Android or Apple device. Download the mobi format for your Amazon devices. The classic memoir that explodes the myth of the romance of war. Young Richard Hillary, a Spitfire pilot in the RAF, thought that flying one-on-one against Hitler’s “roster of rogues” the Luftwaffe, would be exciting, gallant, and […]