Our Free Ebooks
All 108 /African-American History 0 /Asleep at the Wheel: The Press and American Classrooms 0 /Biographies 0 /Biography 0 /Blog 0 /Cold War 0 /Connecting Reading and Writing Assignments 0 /Electives 0 /FAQ 0 /Fiction 0 /For Young Adults 69 /Founders 0 /Free Ebooks 106 /History of Science 0 /How To Share Ebooks with Your Students 0 /Korea 0 /Labor History 0 /Latino History 0 /Literacy Practices 0 /Military History 0 /Native American 0 /News 0 /OER Commons 0 /Primary Source 0 /Reconstruction 0 /Resistance 0 /Review Copies 0 /The Harlem Renaissance 0 /Trade Biography or History 0 /Uncategorized 0 /Vietnam 0 /With a Study Guide 0 /World History 0 /World War I 0 /World War II 0
Elective 1: Reading and Writing about World War II at a 6th Grade to 8th Grade Level
March 10, 2025/by Jim McCabeElective 2: Reading and Writing World War II at 9th-10th Grade Reading Levels
March 9, 2025/by Jim McCabeElective 3: Reading and Writing Black History at 6th-8th Grade Reading Level
March 8, 2025/by Jim McCabe
Teaching U.S. History with eBooks and Electives by Jim McCabe
December 17, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Sea and Earth: The Life of Rachel Carson
November 28, 2024/by Jim McCabe
The Valley and its People: A Portrait of TVA by R. L. Duffus
November 26, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Shirley Chisholm by Susan Brownmiller
November 26, 2024/by Jim McCabe
So Big by Edna Ferber
November 25, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Mary McLeod Bethune
November 23, 2024/by Laura March
Alamein to Zem Zem by Keith Douglas
November 22, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Mrs. R: The Story of Eleanor Roosevelt by Alfred Steinberg
November 21, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Helmet for My Pillow: From Parris Island to the Pacific
August 6, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Guardians of Liberty: Sam Adams and John Hancock by Olga Hall-Quest
August 5, 2024/by Jim McCabe
Before the Mayflower-A History of the Negro in America, 1619-1962 by Lerone Bennett, Jr.
August 5, 2024/by Jim McCabe
August 1, 2024/by Jim McCabe
One Soldier by John H. Shook
October 6, 2022/by Jim McCabe
The New Legions by Donald Duncan
October 5, 2022/by Jim McCabe
Founding Fathers by Kenneth Umbreit
July 10, 2021/by Jim McCabe
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
July 8, 2021/by Jim McCabe
Mr. Black Labor: The Story of A. Philip Randolph by Daniel S. Davis
May 25, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Freedom Ride, Civil Rights and Non-Violent Resistance by James Peck
May 25, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Reconstruction: America After the Civil War by Henrietta Buckmaster
May 25, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Dear Fatherland, Rest Quietly by Margaret Bourke-White
May 24, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif
May 23, 2020/by Jim McCabe
The Lonely Warrior: The Life and Times of Robert S. Abbott
May 22, 2020/by Laura March
Susan B. Anthony: The Woman Who Changed the Mind of a Nation by Rheta Childe Dorr
April 23, 2020/by Jim McCabe
He Wouldn’t Be King: The Story of Simon Bolivar by Nina Brown Baker
April 22, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Thurgood Marshall: From His Early Years to Brown by Michael D. Davis and Hunter R. Clark
March 18, 2020/by Jim McCabe
Thurgood Marshall: His Triumph in Brown, His Years on the Supreme Court
March 17, 2020/by Jim McCabe
The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes
August 19, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Caroling Dusk An Anthology of Verse by Black Poets of the Twenties
August 18, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man by James Weldon Johnson
August 18, 2019/by Jim McCabe
A Long Way From Home by Claude McKay
August 18, 2019/by Jim McCabe
A Time to Speak, A Time to Act The Movement in Politics by Julian Bond
August 17, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Home to Harlem by Claude McKay
August 17, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Black Napoleon: The Story of Toussaint Loverture by Percy Waxman
August 16, 2019/by Jim McCabe
My Art, My Life, An Autobiography by Diego Rivera
August 16, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Peace and Bread in Time of War by Jane Addams
August 15, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Geronimo by Jim Kjelgaard
August 15, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Benito Juarez: Builder of a Nation by Emma Gelders Sterne (For Young Adults).
June 5, 2019/by Jim McCabe
James Madison: Father of the Constitution by Alfred Steinberg
February 12, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Road to Huertgen Forest, Forest in Hell by Paul Boesch
February 11, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Slightly Out of Focus by Robert Capa
February 11, 2019/by Jim McCabe
No Woman’s World by Iris Carpenter
February 11, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Give Us This Day by Sidney Stewart
February 10, 2019/by Jim McCabe
Berlin Command by General Frank L. Howley
February 10, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Last Enemy by Richard Hillary
February 10, 2019/by Jim McCabe
U-505 by Daniel V. Gallery
February 10, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Road to Stalingrad by Benno Zieser
February 9, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Wright Brothers by Fred C. Kelly
February 7, 2019/by Jim McCabe
The Wounded Don’t Cry by Quentin Reynolds
December 22, 2018/by Jim McCabe
Pancho Villa: Strong Man of the Revolution by Larry Harris
December 21, 2018/by Jim McCabe
The Underdogs, a Story of the Mexican Revolution by Mariano Azuela
December 20, 2018/by Jim McCabe
Vietnam 1969 Progress of Pacification, Prospects for Vietnamization by James G. Lowenstein & Richard M. Moose
December 20, 2018/by Jim McCabe
U.S. Marines in Vietnam: Small Unit Action 1966 by Captain Francis J. “Bing” West Jr.
December 20, 2018/by Jim McCabe
Last Flight from Singapore with Maps and Illustrations by Arthur G. Donahue
December 19, 2018/by Jim McCabe
The Mosquito Man: The Story of Ronald Ross by John Rowland
September 4, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Penicillin Man: The Story of Alexander Fleming by John Rowland
September 4, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Narratives of Fugitive Slaves by Benjamin Drew
September 1, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Flight to Freedom: The Story of the Underground Railroad by Henrietta Buckmaster
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Fire in the Flint by Walter F. White
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Cossacks and The Raid by Leo Tolstoy with Maps
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Long Black Schooner: The Voyage of the Amistad
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Nemesis: Truman and Johnson in the Coils of War in Asia by Robert J. Donovan
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Labor’s New Millions by Mary Heaton Vorse
August 31, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Pullman Strike by Rev. William H. Carwardine
August 30, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Walter Reuther by Fred J. Cook
August 30, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Eugene V. Debs: A Man Unafraid by McAlister Coleman
August 30, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Patrick Henry: Firebrand of the Revolution by Nardi Campion, Reading Level is 5.6
August 30, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Vanquishing Yellow Fever by Edward F. Dolan
August 23, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Louis Pasteur-Founder of Microbiology by Mary June Burton
August 22, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Edward Jenner and Smallpox Vaccination by Irmengarde Eberle
August 21, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Master Surgeon–A Biography of Joseph Lister by Lawrence Farmer
August 21, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Mad Dog of Europe by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Albert Nesor
August 21, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Curies and Radium by Elizabeth Rubin
August 20, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Robert Koch: Father of Bacteriology by David C. Knight
August 19, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Pioneers of Freedom by McAlister Coleman
August 16, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Michael Faraday: From Errand Boy to Master Physicist by Harry Sootin
July 13, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Patrol–North Africa-1943 A Story of the Desert War by Fred Majdalany
July 12, 2017/by Jim McCabe
The Polio Man: The Story of Dr. Jonas Salk by John Rowland
July 12, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Serenade to the Big Bird with Maps and a Study Guide
July 11, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Escape from Corregidor by Edgar D. Whitcomb
July 10, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Agent in Italy: A Memoir of a Spy in World War II with a Study Guide
June 30, 2017/by Jim McCabe
An Army of Amateurs
June 16, 2017/by Jim McCabe
Runaway Russia: An American Woman Reports on the Russian Revolution
June 15, 2017/by Jim McCabe
W.E.B. Du Bois: His Was the Voice by Emma Gelders Sterne (For Young Adults)
June 13, 2017/by Jim McCabe
They Called it “Purple Heart Valley”-A Combat Chronicle of the War in Italy by Margaret Bourke-White
January 4, 2017/by Jim McCabe
From a Pulitzer-Prize Winning War Correspondent with Maps and a Study Guide
October 1, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Free ebook: Death is Incidental, A Story of Revolution in Mexico by Heath Bowman and Stirling Dickinson
July 1, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Free: Revolts, Resistance and Emancipation by Dorothy Sterling. Grade Level is 9.1
June 2, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Benjamin Franklin, the First Civilized American by Phillips Russell
May 1, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Thomas Edison: American Inventor by Ray Eldon Hiebert and Roselyn Hiebert
May 1, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Tom Paine-America’s Godfather by W. E. Woodward, Grade Level is 10.3
April 30, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Harlem: People, Power and Politics, 1900-1950 by Roi Ottley
April 1, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Abraham Lincoln by James Daugherty
March 10, 2016/by Jim McCabe
Franklin Roosevelt: The Early Years of the New Deal in America (Illustrated) by P. J. O’Brien
March 9, 2016/by Jim McCabe
The Patriot’s Progress by Henry Williamson
December 15, 2014/by Jim McCabe
“WE” by Charles Lindbergh
December 15, 2014/by Jim McCabe
Toward the Flame: A War Diary by Hervey Allen
December 13, 2014/by Jim McCabe
The Legend of John Brown: A Biography and a History by Richard Owen Boyer
December 11, 2014/by Jim McCabe
Mississippi Notebook: Freedom Summer June-August 1964 by Nicholas Von Hoffman
December 9, 2014/by Jim McCabe
Thaddeus Stevens: Militant democrat and fighter for Negro rights
September 15, 2014/by Jim McCabeAsleep at the Wheel: The New York Times and Classroom Libraries
June 7, 2014/by Jim McCabeWhy Reading Volume Matters: Read Anne E. Cunningham and Keith E. Stanovich
June 6, 2014/by Jim McCabe
Your Comments Please
June 5, 2014/by Jim McCabeConvince your staff that the volume of reading matters.
June 5, 2014/by Jim McCabe